
Our research findings are published in scientific journals and books; please send us an email if you would like a complimentary copy of any of our articles.


Cuevas, K., Learmonth, A. E., & Davinson, K. (accepted). Redundancy in infant learning and memory mechanisms. In D. Amso (Ed.), The Development of Attention, Learning, and Memory. University Press.


Cuevas, K., Adler, S. A., Barr, R., Colombo, J., Gerhardstein, P., Hayne, H., Hunt, P. S., & Richardson, R. (2024). Commentary on the scientific rigor of Sen and Gredebäck‘s simulation: Why empirical parameters are necessary to build simulations. Child Development, 95, 331-337.


Bryant, L. J., & Cuevas, K. (2022). The effects of reward on children’s Stroop performance: Interactions with temperament. Child Development, 93, e17-e31.

Cuevas, K., & Bell, M. A. (2022). EEG frequency development across infancy and childhood. In P.A. Gable, M.W. Miller, & E.M. Bernat (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of EEG frequency (pp. 293-323). Oxford University Press.

Cuevas, K., & Davinson, K. (2022). The development of infant memory. In M. Courage & N. Cowan (Eds.), The development of memory in infancy and childhood. (pp. 31-59). London: Routledge.

Hofstee, M., Huijding, J., Cuevas, K., & Deković, M. (2022). Self-regulation and frontal EEG alpha activity during infancy and early childhood: A multilevel meta-analysis. Developmental Science, 25, e13298


Rajan, V., Cuevas, K., & Bell, M. A. (2021). Memory binding and theta EEG during middle childhood. Developmental Psychobiology, 63, e22124.


Cuevas, K., & Rajan, V. (2020). Early memory development. In M. Harris & G. Westermann (Eds.), Cognition. Vol. 3 of The encyclopedia of child and adolescent development, 10 vols. (S. Hupp & J. Jewell Eds.). Wiley-Blackwell.


Bryant, L. J., & Cuevas, K. (2019). Effects of active and observational experience on EEG activity during early childhood. Psychophysiology, 56, e13360.

Cuevas, K. & Sheya, A. (2019). Ontogenesis of learning and memory: Biopsychosocial and dynamical systems perspectives. Developmental Psychobiology, 61, 402-415.


Cuevas, K., Rajan, V., & Bryant, L. J. (2018). Emergence of executive function in infancy. In S.A. Wiebe & J. Karbach (Eds.), Executive function: Development across the life span (pp. 11-28). New York: Routledge.


Bell, M. A., & Cuevas, K. (2016). Psychobiology of executive function in early development. In J.A. Griffin, P. McCardle, & L.S. Freund (Eds.), Executive function in preschool-age children: Integrating measurement, neurodevelopment, and translational research (pp. 157-179). Washington, D.C.: APA Press.

Cuevas, K., Calkins, S. D., & Bell, M. A. (2016). To Stroop or not to Stroop: Sex-related differences in brain-behavior associations during early childhood. Psychophysiology, 53, 30-40.

Cuevas, K., & Giles, A. (2016). Transitions in the temporal parameters of sensory preconditioning during infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 58, 794-807.

Cuevas, K., Learmonth, A. E., & Rovee-Collier, C. (2016). A dissociation between recognition and reactivation: The renewal effect at 3 months of age. Developmental Psychobiology, 58, 159-175.

Cuevas, K. & Paulus, M. (2016). The development of action mirroring. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 34, 1-5.

Joyce, A. W., Kraybill, J. H., Chen, N., Cuevas, K., Deater-Deckard, K., & Bell, M. A. (2016). A longitudinal investigation of conflict and delay inhibitory control in toddlers and preschoolers. Early Education and Development, 27, 788-804.


Cuevas, K., Rajan, V., Morasch, K. C., & Bell, M. A. (2015). Episodic memory and future thinking during early childhood: Linking the past and future. Developmental Psychobiology, 57, 552-565.

Learmonth, A. E., Cuevas, K., & Rovee-Collier, C. (2015). Deconstructing the reactivation of imitation in young infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 57, 497-505.


Cuevas, K., & Bell, M. A. (2014). Infant attention and early childhood executive function. Child Development, 85, 397-404.

Cuevas, K., Cannon, E. N., Yoo, K., & Fox, N. A. (2014). The infant EEG mu rhythm: Methodological considerations and best practices. Developmental Review, 34, 26-43.

Cuevas, K., Deater-Deckard, K., Kim-Spoon, J., Wang, Z., Morasch, K. C., & Bell, M. A. (2014). A longitudinal intergenerational analysis of executive functions during early childhood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32, 50-64.

Cuevas, K., Deater-Deckard, K., Kim-Spoon, J., Watson, A. J., Morasch, K. C., & Bell, M. A. (2014). What’s mom got to do with it? Contributions of maternal executive function and caregiving to the development of executive function across early childhood. Developmental Science, 17, 224-238
***2015 APA Division 7 Early Career Outstanding Paper Award***

Rajan, V., Cuevas, K., & Bell, M. A. (2014). The contribution of executive function to source memory development in early childhood. Journal of Cognition and Development, 15, 304-324.


Bell, M. A., & Cuevas, K. (2012). The use of EEG to study cognitive development: Issues and practices. Invited as a feature for “Tools of the Trade” series, Journal of Cognition and Development, 13, 281-294.

Cuevas, K., Bell, M. A., Marcovitch, S., & Calkins, S. D. (2012). EEG and heart rate measures of working memory at 5 and 10 months of age. Developmental Psychology, 48, 907-917.

Cuevas, K., Hubble, M., & Bell, M. A. (2012). Early childhood predictors of post-kindergarten executive function: Behavior, parent-report, and psychophysiology. Early Education and Development, 23, 59-73.

Cuevas, K., Raj, V., & Bell, M. A. (2012). A frequency band analysis of two-year-olds’ memory processes. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83, 315-322.

Cuevas, K., Raj, V., & Bell, M. A. (2012). Functional connectivity and infant spatial working memory: A frequency band analysis. Psychophysiology, 49, 271-280.

Cuevas, K., Swingler, M. M., Bell, M. A., Marcovitch, S., & Calkins, S. D. (2012). Measures of frontal functioning and the emergence of inhibitory control processes at 10 months of age. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2, 235-243.

Before 2012

Cuevas, K., & Bell, M. A. (2011). EEG and ECG from 5 to 10 months of age: Developmental changes in baseline activation and cognitive processing during a working memory task. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 80, 119-128.

Cuevas, K., & Bell, M. A. (2010). Developmental progression of looking and reaching performance of the A-not-B task. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1363-1371.

Rovee-Collier, C., & Cuevas, K. (2009). Multiple memory systems are unnecessary to account for infant memory development: An ecological model. Developmental Psychology, 45, 160-174.

Rovee-Collier, C., & Cuevas, K. (2009). The development of infant memory. In M. Courage & N. Cowan (Eds.), The development of memory in infancy and childhood. (pp. 11-41). Hove East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press.

Rovee-Collier, C., & Cuevas, K. (2008). Infant memory. In H. L. Roediger, III (Ed.), Cognitive psychology of memory. Vol. 2 of Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference, 4 vols. (J. Byrne Editor; pp. 687-714). Oxford: Elsevier.

Cuevas, K., Rovee-Collier, C., & Learmonth, A. E. (2006). Infants form associations between memory representations of stimuli that are absent. Psychological Science, 17, 543-549.

Rovee-Collier, C., & Cuevas, K. (2006). Contextual control of infant retention. The Behavior Analyst Today, 7, 121-132.

Other Publications

Cuevas, K. (2015). Early career outstanding paper award: What’s mom got to do with it? Contributions of maternal executive function and caregiving to the development of executive function across early childhood. Developmental Psychologist: APA Division 7 Newsletter, Summer Edition, 12-13.